Thursday, September 15, 2011

Gaming: id Software's Rage Huge Game, Huge Install!

Id software's new Rage game, will be a huge open world roaming game, but it comes with a really huge install. The PC version of the game requires 25GB of hard drive space! The real question is for those who purchase digital copies of games will have a long wait while downloading 25GB over their internet connections. In this case it's probably better to buy a physical copy of the game since most people don't have really fast internet connections to download 25GB.

The Xbox 360 version will be on 3 disc DVD, and also recommend a 22GB hard drive install! This one is going to be a HD cruncher for those people limited on their hard drive space.

The PS3 on the other hand will require and mandatory 8GB install for their version of Rage. It's much smaller then the Xbox 360 install, but at least the Xbox 360 is only recommended while the PS3 is mandatory install.

The game looks great and all, but I think these super huge installs are insane...

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