Saturday, March 31, 2012

April 1st, 2012

TRUST NO ONE! Just on April 1st...
Already on many websites I am seeing stuff that are fishy, and it's not even April 1st.
Gaming websites are famous for April fools jokes.

Many years ago, there was a April fools joke that a friend and I fell for from the video game magazine called EGM in which there was a code which the player could play Simon Belmont from the Castlevania series on the NES version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Arcade Game. I can't remember the detail of the code but it involved pressing the reset button 3 or so times on the NES system and pressing a few buttons on the controller in a certain order. The funny thing is my friend and I tried this code trick for hours, and not until years later I found out it was a stupid April fools joke. (Rolls eyes)...

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