Monday, October 9, 2017

Forza Motorsport 7 Ultimate Edition: Few Days Of Playing.

The day one update for Forza Motorsport 7 was 32GB large! when installing the game I expected the update to be around 5GB or maybe 10GB - 15GB tops, but I did not expect 32GB. Now, internet speed is not a problem for me now. Installing and updating at 2AM in the morning was a little. Thankfully it was on one of my days off. Now on to the game.

I've been playing Forza Motorsport since the first game on the original Xbox. It's been my go to racing game since then because the development cycle for Gran Turismo takes a very long time.
I've enjoyed every Forza Motorsport game. Well maybe except Forza Motorsport 4 was my least favorite because Forza 4 is the only game I wasn't able to adjust the carrier difficultly. I just like having the control to adjust difficulty and it wasn't cool when Turn10 took that away in Forza 4, and I digress.

Forza Motorsport 7 retains all the controls for difficulty in carrier since it was put back in Forza 5. So far I am enjoying the game play of Forza 7. It plays allot similar to Forza 6. However, there are much more cars and the track with some dynamic weather for the first time in the series. I say some dynamic weather because some tracks do not have night or rain options available for the tracks.
Forza 6 had rain, day, and night but they were not dynamic and did not change while during a race. Forza 7 track starts of as cloudy and ends in heavy down pour with thunder storms, and it changes the race while in the middle of the race, and I really like the dynamic change while racing.

Forza Motorsport 7 does have loot crates. Forza Motorsport 6 had mod packs which is kind of like loot boxes, but gamers did't really make a big deal over Forza 6's mod packs then they are with Forza 7 loot boxes. I had a problem with both because Forza 6 mod packs could be purchased with real money and some where in the future there will be micro transaction for Forza Motorsport 7's loot boxes.

VIP member ship also returns for those who got the Ultimate Edition. However, at first in Forza Motorsport 7 the VIP membership only had 3 VIP loot boxes that could only be used in 25 races, and that is it. Previous games VIP had a permanent 2x boost to credits and XP.
However, since the out cry by gamers for the VIP membership for Forza 7. Turn10 will now change it back to the permanent 2x boost like it did in the previous games.

I will try to post more as I play more of the game.

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