Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Last Of US An Amazing Game For The PS3.

When I saw the demo videos and trailers of The Last Of US a year ago I knew there was something special. Naughtydog sure knows how to makes some amazing games. Their Uncharted series are one of my favorite video game series, and Uncharted 2 had some of the best story, dialog, voice acting, characters pretty much everything. Uncharted 3 pushed that even further, and now Naughtydog has another hit in The Last Of US.
With out spoiling the game. From the beginning of The Last Of Us it has been an emotional roller coaster ride all the way to the end. The story and writing are top notch, and playing through the game I feel the bond that the main characters Joel and Ellie have with each other.
That is one thing Naughtydog does well in their games is that they know how to make me care for the characters in their games.
The graphics are some of the best the Playstation 3 has to offer. From the decayed ruins of the city and towns, the game does an amazing job and conveying the struggle and hopeless the characters go through in The Last Of US.
I highly recommend this game to all gamers out there.

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